The Anatomy Lesson

The Anatomy Lesson

The fact is for the young Rembrandt - who was then 26 years old and had just moved [1] to the prosperous city of Amsterdam from his birthplace Leiden- the commissions the burghers put his way were most welcome.

13 may 2008

The Anatomy Lesson - Lección de anatomía

Richard Vaughan   ESCUCHAR AQUI

The fact is for the young Rembrandt - who was then 26 years old and had just moved [1] to the prosperous city of Amsterdam from his birthplace Leiden- the commissions the burghers put his way were most welcome. Nevertheless, during his career as an artist he ended up signing [2] around 4,000 paintings and 300 engravings, many of which are not easily attributable as it is known that, as the years went by, the artist entrusted his pupils with the task of beginning the canvas only to sign it himself later. Only his self-portraits were exempt from his zeal for money-making, and it was in them that he gave full expression to his anxieties. The Dutchman couldn´t get off to a better start since, [3] after this oil-painting, work poured in on all fronts. A couple of years later, Fredrick Henry of Orange commissioned ten paintings from him. The Leiden-born artist asked for 1,200 florins for each painting, although it came down to half that amount in the end: this figure was exorbitant for the time when a normal house cost 5,000 florins.

  • Vaughan´s explanation

    [1] "Had just moved" (acababa de mudarse). Esta estructura funciona con el verbo "have" (en este caso en pasado), seguido por "just" y luego el participio del verbo principal. Para convertir "acababa de hacer" en "acaba de hacer", simplemente ponemos el verbo "have" en presente. "I have just spoken to him" (acabo de hablar con él). [2] "Ended up signing" (llegó a firmar). Un "phrasal verb" muy común. No caigas en la tentación de usar el verbo "arrive". Recuerda que el verbo que le sigue tiene que expresarse en el gerundio debido a la presencia de la preposición. [3] "Since" (ya que). Suele significar desde [mira las páginas del Classroom de esta semana en "The English Magazine"], también ya que o en vista de que. "Since it´s raining, we won´t go out" (en vista de que llueva, no saldremos).


Practica la gramática y el vocabulario con estas 30 frases -para principiantes (1), nivel intermedio (2) y avanzado (3)- que Vaughan Systems ( ha preparado para ti.


Estas cifras son erróneas.
These figures are wrong.

Estás equivocado.
You´re wrong.

Tienes razón.
You´re right.

¿Qué son estos?
What are these?

¿Qué son aquellos?
What are those?

Estos son fáciles.
These are easy.

Aquellos son difíciles.
Those are difficult.

Están conmigo.
They´re with me.

No están en el ejército.
They aren´t in the army.

¿Dónde están entonces?
Where are they then?


Nadie sabe nada acerca de aquello.
Nobody knows anything about that.

Se tarda media hora en llegar al aeropuerto.
It takes half an hour to get to the airport.

Hay demasiada gente en esta empresa.
There are too many people in this company.

Había demasiado humo en la sala.
There was too much smoke in the room.

Alcanzarás tu potencial.
You´ll reach your potential.

Lleva esto a mi secretaria.
Take this to my secretary.

Dáselo (a ella).
Give it to her.

Él no dijo por qué se marchaba.
He didn´t say why he was leaving.

Tiene algo que ver con el dinero.
It has something to do with money.

No le pagábamos lo suficiente.
We didn´t pay him enough.


Él, al final, cedió ante la presión.
He finally gave in to the pressure.

No podía aguantar la presión.
He couldn´t stand the pressure.

No estoy aquí para resolver tus problemas.
I´m not here to solve your problems.

Estamos ante un gran reto.
We´re facing a great challenge.

Los políticos van a estropear todo.
The politicians are going to ruin everything.

No te quedes atrás.
Don´t fall behind.

No lograron avisar a la gente a tiempo.
They failed to advise the people in time.

Este cuadro presenta un desglose de las ventas por regiones.
This chart shows a breakdown of sales by region.

Me quedan bastantes listas para escribir.
I have quite a few lists to write.

Es impresionante lo informado que está ese tío.
It´s impressive how knowledgeable that guy is.



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